Massage Prices and Choices

Traditional Massage

The massage therapist provides an all over massage beginning with your back and encompassing arms, legs, feet, neck, and chest.  The goal of this massage is to find points of tension and release them by applying pressure to the "knots." 

This massage may encompass stretching to release tension in the lower back.  It may encompass reflexology in the feet if that is needed, and it may include gentle massage and gently pulling on the head and neck to release pressure.  

This form of massage is personalized depending on the needs of the client.  However, the goal of the massage is not necessarily to make you feel relaxed and pampered (though you will likely feel both by the end).  The goal is to release the tension that is holding you back so that you can be your best self moving forward.  It is aimed at unfreezing that shoulder that results from too many hours on the keyboard, or releasing that lower back tension that is preventing you from walking straight.  

This is the traditional massage for a reason.  It releases stress, toxins, and aids in overall mobility.

Times for this massage range from 1-3 hours depending on client availability and the amount of work to be done. 

1 Hour: $70

90 Minute: $90

2 Hour: $120

 The vast majority of situations require 60-90 minutes.

Hot Stone Massage

If you are looking for a more relaxing and luxurious massage, this is the one for you.

This massage includes both a traditional Swedish massage, but with the addition of hot basalt stones.  The smooth stones are heated and then applied directly to your back and legs.  

The massage therapist will massage along the planes of your back and legs with the stones that will slowly cool as the massage progresses.  The change in temperature aids in maximizing relaxation, while stimulating the muscles to release any built up toxins through the skin. 

1 Hour: $80

90 Minute: $105


Made internationally well-known by Michael Phelps during the Beijing Olympics, cupping is an ancient form of massage that uses cups to create a vacuum against skin to work directly on a muscle.

The benefits may include reduction in muscle pain and inflammation.  It is particularly effective on athletic individuals for overworked muscles. 

In order to achieve the necessary suction, a silicone cup is placed over the muscle and the air is sucked out using a rubber device.  This essentially works in an opposite manner from traditional massage.  Where a traditional massage uses downward pressure on the "knot" to release the tension, cupping uses upward pressure by pulling the muscle up and holding it.

The result is overall relaxation of that area of the body.  However, there will be red marks left behind.  This is not a therapy to have done before that special event has you in a speghetti strap dress.  The resulting marks may last from 3-10 days.

This therapy has been used for thousands of years (as early as 1550 BC) and has some wonderful deep-tissue benefits.  

1 Hour: $80

90 Minute: $105